Get to know Campus France in the United Arab Emirates

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Excellence - Future
Excellence - Future
Pays concerné(s)
Émirats arabes unis

Campus France is a French government agency in charge of promoting the French higher education system.
On a national scale, we operate within the framework of the French Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation & the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs. 

In the UAE, our local office operates under the oversight of the cultural department of the French Embassy to the UAE, Institut Français.

Campus France is the first step for each student in the UAE wishing to enroll at French universities and applying for a student visa.

Support Students in the UAE

Every year, our team offers a wide variety of important information and guides about studying in France to hundreds of Emirati and international students, which include and cover the following:
•       Comprehensive Insights about public and private universities in France. 
•       Information about the admission process.
•       Step-by-Step guide for getting a student visa.
•       How to prepare for a once-in-a-lifetime journey to study in France.

Support French higher education institutions in France and locally

Campus France UAE actively engages in various education fair events throughout the UAE. As part of our commitment to supporting French higher education institutions, we invite them to participate in these events to showcase their exceptional educational programs. Through these initiatives, we foster a strong connection between local students and universities in France.

Support a diverse array of private and public schools in their career

We leverage our expertise in French higher education to assist career counselors across both private and public institutions. Every year, we visit hundreds of schools to highlight the significance of exploring various study destinations abroad, provide information on France’s specialized fields, available scholarships, and student life. Our goal is to help career counselors broaden their students' horizons.

International Mobility

Provide scholarships to UAE nationals

Each year, Campus France offers fully funded summer scholarships for students interested in experiencing French higher education and enhancing their knowledge of the French language.

France Alumni UAE

Since 2017, Campus France has been managing the France Alumni UAE community to showcase the excellence of French higher education and foster connections among French graduates. We regularly organize gatherings and gala dinners. Check out highlights from our most recent Gala dinner at Sorbonne University Abu Dhabi.

France Alumni